  Public Ticket #1176959
Translate elements of rating


  • Rubens started the conversation


    I am trying to translate the elements of rating (Cleanliness, Comfort) and for some reason the words stay in english.

    I had tried translate in POedit and php files with not success.

  •  2,056
    Theme replied


    Are you using WPML or simply poedit? IE, are you planning to run the site in multiple languages?

    Best regards,

    themeenergy support

  • Rubens replied


    I'm using poedit.

    Yes, I'll need english and portuguese brazil versions.

  •  2,056
    Theme replied


    You need to set the labels in Theme options -> Reviews.

    Best regards,

    themeenergy support

  • Rubens replied



    For multilingual website will I need to use WPML?

  •  2,056
    Theme replied


    Yes, for a site running multiple languages, you will need WPML as it cannot be done with poedit alone.

    Best regards,

    themeenergy support

  • Rubens replied


    And about this words that I have to translate in Theme Options?

    Is there any problem? Is possible to have these words in two languages?

  •  2,056
    Theme replied


    You can have the words in two languages only if you use WPML.

    If you use only poedit to localize the theme to your language, then simply go to Theme options and set the correct labels/translations there.

    Best regards,

    themeenergy support

  • Rubens replied

    Ok. Tks.

  •  2,056
    Theme replied

    You are welcome.

    Best regards,

    themeenergy support

  • Rubens replied

    Hi my friend,

    One more question about this subject.

    Right now, I'm using the POedit to translate the website to brazilian portuguese and next month or July I'll need to develop an english version of the site.

    Question: Will I need to translate to brazilian portuguese again(with WPML) or WPML can use my translate made on POedit?

  •  2,056
    Theme replied


    You can import your po file when you install WPML.

    Best regards,

    themeenergy support

  • Rubens replied


    Good news...haha

    Thank you

  •  2,056
    Theme replied

    You are welcome.

    Best regards,

    themeenergy support