  Public Ticket #1262554
Login to a SocialChef site


  • Chris Neis started the conversation

    Hi guys.

    Is it possible to have all pages locked as long as a visitor had not signed in? No Menubar just a front page - everything but this front page hidden.

    I mean having a front page with just an intro text and a button for sign-in and one for registration of new members.

    As soon as someone signs in he can see the whole site, search and submit recipes and buy stuff in the shop ...

    My client wants it like this.

    Thanks - Chris

  • Chris Neis replied

    Ah, and by the way. I have included the woocommerce logout into the menu bar - however, when signed in it seems like this item switches from Logout to Reset Password. It should stay logout on any page as long as a person is signed in.

  •  2,057
    Theme replied


    You can use a plugin like this to control what pages are visible to whom:


    As for logout button please use the BuddyPress menu options in Appearance -> Menus to add your logout button.

    Best regards,

    themeenergy support

  • Chris Neis replied

    Thank you - found a user-access-manager - great hint!

    I don't find any BuddyPress menu options under Appearance > Menus.

    I took one from WooCommerce: my-account/customer-logout/

    However, this thing brings up a menu item "reset password" when someone is logged in - it should be logout as long as one is logged in. I need a logout button in the menu - that's all - no login and not password reset because this can be done in the login box on the landing page - which won't have a header/menu anyway.

    Thank you for being so patient with my questions but the way Socialchef is made is totally different from all other themes I used before - which is ok, but I need help for my first themeenergy wegsite.


  •  2,057
    Theme replied


    please navigate to Appearance > Menus and open the "Screen options" tab on the top right part of the screen. Enable "BuddyPress".

    You should now have the option to add the log out link to the menu.

    Thank you

    Best regards,

    themeenergy support