  Public Ticket #1277899
Vacancies - Multiple Seasons


  • data76 started the conversation


    I have multiple rooms, with multiple pricing for different seasons, at different dates in a year.

    Supposing i have different seasons :

    Peak Seasons (ie Aug 25 - 30, Sept 03, Sept 08-09, Sept 29-30, Oct 06-07, etc) 

    Super Seasons (ie Aug 31, Sept 01-02, Dec 01-02, Dec 24-25, Dec 31, etc)

    It seems i can only pick one date range, for one room type?

    And this room type is shared with other Accomodations (different hotels) and also with different rates.

    So i will have to create 1 vacancy record for 1 season rate per date, per hotel, per room? This record will be humongous! 

    Please advice, is there a better way for this?

    Also... is there an import function whereby i can import the records via excel?



  •  2,057
    Theme replied


    You have to create a separate tow in the vacancies for each date range for each room type, that is correct.

    Our theme does not have an import feature unfortunately.

    Best regards,

    themeenergy support