  Public Ticket #1405780
Display Icon above header instead displaying on left side


  • digital_revolution_ started the conversation

    Dear Support Team :-)

    One quick question: Is it possible to display the icon above the header instead displaying it on the left side?

    Thank you a lot for your feedback.

  •  2,057
    Theme replied


    Can you clarify to which icon you are referring to please?


    Best regards,

    themeenergy support

  • digital_revolution_ replied

    Dear Themeenergy Support Team of this great WP Theme BookYour Travel :)

    Please find attached a screenshot. I am refering to the Icons in the Inner Menu Navigation for example under


    I would like to display the Inner Menu Navigation Horizontally and not Vertically and have already inserted your code which you proposed to another client (under https://themeenergy.ticksy.com//ticket/1086086/ ).

    I think if we display the inner Menu Navigation Horizontally, it would look better if the icons are displayed above the header :-)

    Thank you a lot for your support :-)

  •  2,057
    Theme replied


    please add the following via Admin > Customize > Additional CSS

    .tab-content  {width:100%;}
    .inner-nav li.active, .inner-nav li.active:hover, .inner-nav li.current-menu-item, .inner-nav li.current-menu-item:hover, .inner-nav li    {width:auto !important;}
    .inner-nav li {height:auto;line-height:normal;}
    .inner-nav li a {padding:40px 30px 10px;}
    .inner-nav li a:before {width:100%;text-align:center;}
    .inner-nav li.active a:after,
    .inner-nav li.current-menu-item a:after {display:none;}

    Thank you

    Best regards,

    themeenergy support

  • digital_revolution_ replied

    Dank you very very much for the quick help :-) The Icons are now located above the header :) It just seems that they are not centered as the header. Could you help me to center them too?

  •  2,057
    Theme replied


    I am sorry, please replace the code with the following:

    .tab-content  {width:100%;}
    .inner-nav li.active, .inner-nav li.active:hover, .inner-nav li.current-menu-item, .inner-nav li.current-menu-item:hover, .inner-nav li    {width:auto !important;}
    .inner-nav li {height:auto;line-height:normal;}
    .inner-nav li a {padding:40px 30px 10px;text-align:center;}
    .inner-nav li a:before {width:100%;}
    .inner-nav li.active a:after,
    .inner-nav li.current-menu-item a:after {display:none;}

    Thank you

    Best regards,

    themeenergy support