  Public Ticket #1421316
Destination & Pickups, Change Testimonial Picture and contact form


  • Adrian started the conversation

    Please could you tell me if there is a way to seperate the pickup and drop off locations? as although i can specify bookings from one to another, i will not need the destinations to come up in the pickup section. Also is there a way to alter the advanced search tool so that when you select a booking it automatically goes to the correct date?

    Could you please also tell me where i can find the correct place to alter the image that sits behind the testimonial section? i have looked through every widget and option and cannot find anything anywhere. Do i have to go in to the php file and alter it that way?

    And finally.. The contact form (not the contact form 7 one) i have added extra fields to the form, could you please advise how you would add them to the email that is sent out to the recipient and also how to change the 'email template' layout, as it appears all in one line, i would like it to be set out as follows:

    Phone Number:
    Email address:

    Any information or guidance you could give me would be greatly appreciated.

    Kind Regards
    Adrian Compton

  •  2,057
    Theme replied

    Hi Adrian,

    1. There is currently no way to separate the pick up and drop off selects via cms. You would have to modify wp-content/plugins/transfers-plugin/includes/widgets/widget-advanced-search.php file. The two selects are built on lines 124 to 138.

    2. The image for testimonials is set in css, inside the css/style.css file of the theme. It is currently set as this:

    .testimonials {
        float: left;
        width: 100%;
        background: url(../images/testimonials.png) 50% 100% no-repeat;
        overflow: hidden;
        color: #fff;
        padding: 90px 0 70px;

    In order to change it you would go to Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS and add a rule that looks something like this:

    .testimonials {
        background: url(someotherurl) 50% 100% no-repeat !important;

    3. I do not know what you mean about going to the correct date when selecting a booking. Can you be more clear please? The date is already selected when you search for possible transfers to book.

    4. The contact form email is set from theme file includes/theme_ajax.php in function contact_form_ajax_request

    In order to get values for new fields you have added you would do what we have already done for the existing fields e.g.:

    $contact_name = sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['contact_name']);

    The email is put together and sent further on in the same function. In order to override this, you would copy the entire file to your child theme to a new folder you created called includes and edit that file there.

    Best regards,

    themeenergy support

  • Adrian replied

    Many thanks for the swift reply.

    For point 3. if i select a event, say that is on the 6th jan 2017, the search bar, to the right of it, comes up todays date instead of the 6th, is there anyway to change that ? if needs be i can supply a screenshot to show you what i mean.

    Thank you so much for the help regarding the other items i became stuck with. I will let you know how i got on.



  •  2,057
    Theme replied


    Please provide a screenshot so I understand what you mean.


    Best regards,

    themeenergy support

  • Adrian replied

    Here is the screen shot.

    Is it possible to get the venue date (2018-01-06) into the search bar automatically ? instead of search for listings for the current date (5th jan 2018) ? or if upon searching for transfers today, it brings up future transfers to choose from instead?

  • Adrian replied

    As for the contact form, i have done as suggested and added relevant info everywhere, i now get the "phone number" heading in the email with no phone number :/

  •  2,057
    Theme replied


    1. No, there is no such feature within our theme. You would have to match up the blog post date with the search widget - something I recommend you hire a developer to do for you.

    2. What is your phone number field id/name within the form?

    Best regards,

    themeenergy support

  • Adrian replied


    contact_phone is the label, id and name within the form. i have added that to the suggested pages earlier for it to go through to email without success.

  •  2,057
    Theme replied


    What is your contact form page url?

    Also, can you paste the code of your contact_form_ajax_request function in pastebin.org and share the url so I can see what your code looks like?


    Best regards,

    themeenergy support

  • Adrian replied


    The Pastebin url is : https://pastebin.com/Sew7PMfB

    and the contact form url is: http://lc.compton-computers.co.uk/contact-us/

    i also have pasted the contact form page page template in pastbin: https://pastebin.com/sPZGRyUp

  •  2,057
    Theme replied

    Hi Adrian,

    My bad, there is one more piece of code you have to edit.

    Please copy js/contact.js to your child theme (same folder structure), edit the file and make sure your contact_phone email is also added here:

    var contact_name = $('#contact_name').val();
                var contact_email = $('#contact_email').val();
                var contact_message = $('#contact_message').val();

    And also here:

                    url: TransfersAjax.ajaxurl,
                    data: {
                        'contact_name' : contact_name,
                        'contact_email' : contact_email,
                        'contact_message' : contact_message,

    After you do, please clear your browser cache and test things again.

    Best regards,

    themeenergy support

  • Adrian replied


    One last question, The contact form that is mentioned below, does this use the wordpress admin email address? if so, can you suggest a line of code so that it replaces that with a specific email?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Adrian replied

    P.S Your theme is absolutely awesome. i love the features and once you find your way around it, its so easy to navigate. Also the documentation is very detailed and helps a lot!

  •  2,057
    Theme replied


    you could also use the contact form 7 page template with the Contact Form 7 plugin. This would allow you to build your own contact form and use a custom mailing address.

    Just make sure to select the correct page from the drop down list in Appearance > Theme Options > Page settings as your contact page afterwards in order to obtain the same layout as in the default contact page.

    Thank you very much, we truly appreciate such feedback, Adrian.

    It would mean the world if you could leave positive feedback on themeforest for us.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Best regards,

    themeenergy support